Thursday, 29 April 2010

i am so so happy.

I've been so happy in the last couple of days and it's brilliant. I've been smiling to myself constantly and just generally really happy all day. Probably because of a certain someone that i've been seeing a lot of recently. But yeah! I'm sure you don't want to know everything! So enough about my happiness, back to the post i was aiming for.
I've been researching into the history of fashion for my textiles, what we had to do was research every decade from the 1900's to now and i'm going to post about my two favourite decades.
1920's and 1960's.
These were definitely the best era's for fashion and I'm going to show you why!



What do you think? And again I apologise, I've not posted frequently but having so much work lately it's been hard. Soon my work load should go down and I'll be able to post much more! And, one more thing.
What's your favourite decade for fashion?

Monday, 19 April 2010

guess who's back in action!?

It's me! I know I said I wasn't going to continue with the blog, but I've really been missing it the last couple of weeks and think it's time to start again. This time round I'm going to make sure not to procrastinate so much and post longer posts and post them much more frequently.
So yeah, I'm back and better than ever. ;)
I'll post soon!

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Bye bye!

I've just realised this blog is getting no where.  
I've got 11 followers (due to one unfollowing earlier this week) and I feel the blog is just not getting anywhere. Another reason that I'm giving up with the blog is that I feel a blog should show who you are and what you like, but with my blog it just seems to be silly picture filled posts that don't really capture my style. Fear not, I am not going to give up on fashion all together, I'm still going to read lots of blogs and do anything fashion-y that I would've before.
So thanks to everyone who have read this blog and the previous one, but I'm afraid it's going to be over for a while. Maybe some day I will be less busy and/or stop procrastinating. Until then, Goodbye.
